5 Ways for Older Adults to Prolong Their Life

5 Ways for Older Adults to Prolong Their Life

There are several ways for seniors to maintain a good mental or physical health. Exercise and a healthy diet may be the two common traits which may make a senior feel youthful and strong. Your loved one’s mental health may reflect his or her lifestyle. Home Care Cleveland has shared the five ways, which may help your loved one in living a longer life.

1. Don’t Drink Alcohol

It may be safe for seniors to drink one glass of alcohol per day. But, alcohol may have a more negative impact on your loved one’s health. If your loved one has an addiction to alcohol, then it may increase his or her risk of strokes and liver diseases. Your loved one’s medication can interact with his or her alcohol consumption. Seniors who drink alcohol may be less likely to make better decisions for them. Seniors with an alcohol addiction may have an impaired vision or cognitive decline.

2. Wear Safety Gears When Driving or Running

Falling is one of the main causes of injuries in seniors. Senior may fall in the bathroom or might get injured during driving too. It is important for your loved one to wear safety gears. In this way, your loved one may prevent fatal injuries, if an accident occurs or he or she falls down. Seniors should always wear their seat belts while driving. Slow driving is essential for seniors who have an impaired or blurred vision.

3. Limit Exposure to Toxic Substances

There are many toxic substances which may develop health problems for your loved one. For instance, asbestos is a harmful material which may cause lung cancer in seniors. The ceiling of the house is sometimes made out of asbestos. Pesticides used by farmers may not be healthy for seniors. It may be dangerous for seniors to get exposed to pollution for longer periods. If your loved one lives in a high pollution area, then he or she should avoid being outside for long. There are few communities which may alert people when the air quality becomes unsafe.

4. Avoid exhaustion by getting enough sleep

Seniors with sleep deprivation may have physical stress on their body. Less amount of sleep may lower your loved one’s immune system. Most of the seniors may need eight hours of sleep each night or more. Your loved one may have trouble staying awake during the day if he or she is not getting enough sleep. Seniors with insomnia should talk to their doctors about ways to enable them to sleep more. There are many small changes your loved one can make to ensure long and peaceful sleep. It may include:

• Going to sleep at the same time every night.
• Keeping the room dark and comfortable to sleep in.
• Make the room free of distracting noises.
• Using relaxation techniques before bedtime.

5. Eat Enough Amount of Proteins

The protein may be necessary for the body to repair cells after damage. The healthy sources of protein are from meat and animal products such as beef, pork, poultry, and eggs. If your loved one is a vegetarian then he or she may get protein from soy, beans, legumes, and nuts. Milk and cheese are the two dairy sources of proteins. Seniors may need two to three servings of protein every day. Talk to your loved one’s doctor to determine how much protein he or she needs to eat in one day.


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